First, KOICA is continuously stepping up the level of its information disclosure to the International Aid Transparency Initiative(IATI). In 2015, Korea became a member of IATI to boost aid effectiveness. Pursuant to the policy of the ROK government, KOICA has disclosed the information on activities to IATI. Also, KOICA is planning to shorten its cycle of reporting to the IATI and include more reporting items in its information disclosure
Second, KOICA launched the Integrated ODA Information System in an effort to promote information disclosure for ensuring aid transparency. To manage data more effectively, KOICA reflected the reporting items with criteria based on both OECD DAC and IATI in the system. Also, it enables us to publish more accurate and timely data to the public.
Last but not least, KOICA has been operating an official website that shows statistics on its ODA activities both in Korean and English. KOICA’s updated website provides the public with a user-friendly service that allows the user to easily access various types of data regarding KOICA’s activities. Moreover, KOICA expects to increase the cooperation with various domestic and foreign partners through this service.
For the future, in cooperation with the government, KOICA will continue to work hard to improve the level of its information disclosure to the public to draw more public support for ODA and increase aid effectiveness.