KOICA designated ‘Governance’ as one of its priority areas and provided assistance to strengthen administrative capacity in developing countries. Based on Korea’s experience of rapid growth, KOICA strives to improve the administrative capacity for sustainable growth and economic development, and to establish social & economic systems.
Vision / Mission / Strategic Objectives
Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies
MISSIONTo lay the foundation for a peaceful life and improve legal, legislative, and administrative systems in partner countries
Participatory and inclusive democracy /Safe and righteous jurisdictions·citizen security
Conflict prevention and foundation for a peaceful life
Accountable and efficient administrative systems
Strategic Objectives & Programs
1Conflict prevention and a foundation for a peaceful lifeSDG 16.1, 16.2
Strengthening social integration through promoting communities and strengthening economic resilience
Creating a safe and sustainable society
2Participatory and inclusive democracySDG 16.7, 16.8, 16.10, 16.b
Supporting inclusive elections and legislative systems
Promoting participatory democracy
3Safe and righteous jurisdictions·Citizen securitySDG 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.a
Strengthening safe and equal judicial and security capabilities
Strengthening the government's transparency and civil trust
4Accountable and efficient administrative systemsSDG16.6, 16.9
Modernizing administrative services and strengthening operational capabilities
Strengthening the operational capabilities of public finance and the economy