KOICA Mid-to-long Term Implementation Plan to achieve SDG 16(Peace, Justice, Governance)
International community seeks to achieve sustaining peace which refers to reducing the demand for humanitarian aid at a fundamantal level by addressing not only physical and direct conflict and violence, but also structural violence such as social exclusion and inequality. KOICA has set ‘Mid-to-long Term Implementation Plan to achieve SDG 16(Peace, Justice, Governance)’ and works to proactively reflect the elements of realizing peace throughout its collaboration projects and implement such projects based on the perspective of peace.
Vision / Mission / Strategic Objectives
Promoting human rights for all in partner countries through people-centered development cooperation
MISSIONTo mainstream human rights in the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating international development cooperation and empower rights-holders
Implementing international human rights norms and promoting human rights
Applying the HRBA to projects in priority sectors
Increasing development cooperation with a focus on the rights of vulnerable groups
Strategic Objectives & Programs
1Implementing the HRBA for projects in priority sectors SDG 10.3, 11.7, 16.3, 16.10, 16.a, 16.b
Human rights-based development cooperation (mainstreaming approach)
Major projects: - Project design and planning based on the analysis of human rights situations in partner countries - Project implementation and evaluation management based on HRBA (Collection and analysis of separate data for income, gender, disabilities, etc.)
2Implementing international human rights norms and promoting human rightsSDG 10.3, 11.7, 16.3, 16.10, 16.a, 16.b
Human rights protection
Major projects: - Building human rights policy capacity - Raising human rights awareness - Strengthening global partnerships
3Increasing development cooperation with a focus on the rights of vulnerable groupsSDG 4.5, 4.7, 4.a, 8.5, 10.3, 11.2, 11.7, 17.18
Promotion of the rights of vulnerable groups
Major projects: - Increasing social protection for persons with disabilities (healthcare/rehabilitation, inclusive education, economic empowerment, and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities) - Strengthening social protection for children and youth (inclusive education and training, promotion of the rights of children and youth) - Reinforcement of social protection for older persons (healthcare/rehabilitation, promotion of the rights of older persons)
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